01-28-16 Don't Forget Glenyce Jane!
By Scott Shephard
If Glenyce Jane has looked at my photo blog recently, she might notice that the score for 2016 is sister Irene 2, Glenyce 0. That could lead to all kinds of things, including sibling rivalry. And I wouldn't want to be party to that.
The problem was than on the day we were set up for the studio photos you've seen recently, Glenyce was not exactly cooperative. If I had been a better photographer, I'm sure that I could have done better than I did. But this photo works. It was my idea to bring in another "member" of the family. The Cabbage Patch doll was a willing and relaxed subject. Glenyce, on the other hand, wasn't interested in my camera. She did smile once but not at me. That's OK because sometimes it's better if the subject is unaware of the camera.
Canon 5DIII 1/125s f/8.0 ISO100 58mm