Scott Shephard Photography

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11-02-14 An Angel Dances the Charleston

By Scott Shephard

This is my 5th and final post for the facebook "Black and White Challenge" I've been contributing to. I love black and white photos and I have many in my collection. I should tell you that there is no particular logic to way I've chosen the photos I've posted this week. I open my photo browsing software and from the thousands of photos that appear as thumbnails, something jumps out.

Today, this 2004 photo of my aunt Gladys called me. Of course, I have a deep, emotional tie to Gladys and so a portrait of her, taken late in her life, has considerable meaning to me. But I realize that to a stranger, a portrait may have no meaning at all, though it may help you get a glimpse of a person's character. And even better, it may make you wonder. At best, it may make you think of your own aunts. And uncles. And all the other wise and loving people who have populated your life and helped make you the person you are.

Gladys died in 2010 at the age of 97. Deb and I traveled to Olympia, Washington, to help honor her life and I spoke at her funeral. For those who might be curious, here's part of what I said

Canon 20D 1/25s f/4.5 ISO400 50mm