12-18-14 Sixty-One and Counting
By Scott Shephard
I'm listening to "Old Friends" by Simon and Garfunkel this morning. I remember hearing the song for the first time when I was 14 years old and being moved by Simon's amazing poetry. I was certainly moved by the imagery of old men sitting side by side in a park.
And then the last verse . . .
I do remember way back then, when I was still a boy, how terribly strange it might be to be 70, which seemed ancient to me then.
But I'm not 70 yet - I am only 61 and I don't feel old today.
I hope I never do.
(This photo, incidentally, was taken at the Birch Bayh Federal building in Indianapolis. The eagle next to the mirror didn't sneak into the photo, as a photobomber would. Instead, I invited him/her to join me in the self-portrait.)
Canon 5DIII 1/60s f/8.0 ISO500 65mm