Scott Shephard Photography

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21.09.25 A Change of Seasons

By Scott Shephard

Schleichart Draw - Custer-Galatin National Forest

I close my eyes

Only for a moment and the moment’s gone

All my dreams

Pass before my eyes, a curiosity

“Dust in the Wind” Kansas

Fall is a photographer’s favorite, given the quality of light and the rich colors. The color is especially vibrant in a place like NW South Dakota, which can seem to be otherwise colorless at this time of year.

But, like all of the seasons, if we aren’t paying attention, they are here, as Kansas says in their song, “Only for a moment and the moment’s gone.”

In this particular case, in the waning hours of daylight at a time of year when the nights begin to get longer than the days, I was lucky to be standing where I was.

I don’t generally tell you what to do but I will say this: Fall is here. Don’t forget to open your eyes and enjoy what it is trying to give you. You might even want to take a photo or two.

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