12-02-17 Great Faces, Great Places

By Scott Shephard

The challenge in making a good photo is to create a clear focal point. Sometimes a photo has much to see but nothing in particular to look at. And if I have to tell you what the focal point is, then I think I failed.

So here's an example of bit of a failure. You're looking at Mt. Rushmore (on the horizon towards the right) and Black Elk Peak (the highest point on the horizon towards the left). Did you see these before I told you? Probably not, especially if you are looking at this photo on a little smart phone screen.

So why do I post a failure? Well, as a teacher, I hope that you can learn a little. Also, I like the photo, primarily because of the great clouds. (Yes, a poor reason to share a picture.) Finally, I make my photos on a 27" iMac. And this one looks pretty good on that scale.

I think most photos should be seen on large screens. You should try it. :-)

Phantom 4 Pro FC3310 1/400s f/6.3 ISO100 8.8mm (35mm eq:24mm)

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