20.01.26 The Little Silver Trailer (And My Favorite Girl)

By Scott Shephard

Sorry, but I’m still stuck in the Wayback Machine. This time the dial is set to 1974. I was a junior at the University of South Dakota blissfully enmeshed in college life, writing papers about Dionysus and reading all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays, among other things. Yes, I was still an English/Classics nerd. Of course, I was still madly in love with Deb D.

I had landed the perfect off-campus housing in my junior year - a little silver Airstream wannabe on Prospect Street a few blocks west of the USD campus. I think my rent was $35 a month and I must have still been on the student food plan because I have zero memories of cooking anything here, though I do remember failing miserably at making my first ever pot of coffee. (Ask and I’ll tell the story.)

Deb still lived in the dorm on campus but visited the trailer from time to time. We wanted to get married ASAP, but her parents wisely told us that at least one of us should have a full time job since money or lack thereof is one of the biggest stress points in a marriage. So Deb graduated early, I redirected my career path from “scholar with little prospects” to getting a teaching degree.

I’ve suggested in earlier posts that I don’t like winter. But I love this photo, mainly because Deb is in it. But I also appreciate it because I really liked this trailer - whether it was covered in snow or not. It was my little space capsule and I’m thinking that the little Winnebago Micro Minnie that we camp in now serves to remind me of my happy college past. Who knows?

Incidentally, I have one other winter memory involving The Little Silver Trailer. My friend Scott P was visiting for a couple days and on one winter night we realized that we needed some adult malt beverages and so we drove in heavy snow to a liquor/convenience store, made our purchase and drove back to the trailer. I remember very little after that. I’m thinking it’s time that has fogged my memory, not the malt beverages. . . .

Life was good. And it still is.

Honeywell Pentax SP500

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