05-06-18 All Roads Lead (HDR)
By Scott Shephard
You might think that my title "All Roads Lead" is an unfinished sentence that requires "to Rome" to be complete. But I'm an English major and I can say authoritatively that it stands on its own: It has a subject and it has a verb. So just add a period. "All roads lead." Ponder that as you travel any road anywhere in the world.
And, in case you are wondering about the photo, the road you see here is either leading to or leading away from the Little Bend Recreation Area on Lake Oahe (Missouri River) in central South Dakota. Over the 25 years or so that I have been sailing on Lake Oahe, I have traveled this road hundreds of times, in part because I used to launch my boat from the boat ramp here, but in larger part because it is one of three or four places of pilgrimage for me. Every time I turn the bend that begins the miles long descent from the plateau above to the water's edge, I feel joy.
This area is considered borderline desert by climatologists. It may look barren and harsh. But to me, it is anything but that. As with so many photos we take, all I can say is that to truly understand this, "you should have been there." Especially on a incredible day like this.
Phantom 4 Pro 1/500s f/5.6 ISO100 8.8mm (35mm eq:24mm) (5 frame HDR)