Big Beach - Maui
Yes, it is a "big" beach but it really is known as Big Beach, though officially it is Makena Beach State Park. A few years ago, our family visited Maui and we spent a sunny afternoon enjoying the warmth and the waves of Big Beach.Incidentally, in doing a search for "Big Beach" to find the official name, I found about 1000 other photos taken from this vantage point. So much for giving the world a different look at things in this blog. . . . And, incidentally, if I rotated 180 degrees and took another photo, I would be photographing Little Beach, where naked people abound. Officially, nudity is illegal on the public beaches of Maui but apparently the authorities look the other way. Do I have photos of that beach? Nope.
Morning Calm
In my quest to find photos to post, I occasionally come across things I have forgotten about. In this case I was heading out to the Missouri River for a sailing trip and I noticed that the wind farm that is near Ree Heights, South Dakota, was partially shrouded in fog. Otherwise, the morning was one of those amazing summer mornings that make South Dakotans forgot about all the winter mornings that aren't so brilliant.I took one photo with my 70-200mm lens, got back and the truck and continued west to my destination.