Scott Shephard Photography

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03-05-15 Winter Moon

By Scott Shephard

I generally avoid elaborate filters and processes that seem to make a "real" picture less real. But, frankly, no digital image is real: it's 2 dimensional, it's generally rectangular and it's made up of millions of little dots that create an optical illusion.

So throwing verity and fidelity to the wind, I decided to play with this image of the full moon setting over the horizon west of our house. The one thing that is "real" are the jagged edges and warped shape of the moon. It's exactly what my eye saw. But wait . . . that's not real either because we know that the moon is a circle. Or is it a sphere? And does the moon really "set." Or is it the earth's rotation? Or both? And what impact has all of the coffee I drank before taking this photo and writing this post have on my perception?

So, I will simply ask: "What is reality?" Today, in this photo, you're seeing my interpretation.

Canon 5DIII