05-03-17 White Noise

By Scott Shephard

We are generally oblivious to much of what our finely tuned and highly evolved senses perceive. If not, we would deal with constant sensory overload. The touch of our clothes, the sound of traffic and the lingering taste of the sherbet Ice cream we ate 10 minutes ago all become white noise.

What we see in front of us, or above us, as in the case of this photo, is prone to becoming white noise, too. In South Dakota we see puffy clouds and pure blue skies so often that we don't see them.

So just in case you didn't stand and stare at the kind of clouds that were accessorizing our pure blue sky on a nearly perfect May day yesterday, here's what you missed.

Phantom 4 Pro FC6310 1/80s f/5.6 ISO100 8.8mm (5 frame HDR)

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