01-14-17 Foreign Shores #2

Scott Shephard

I have a minor in earth science but I don't know much about the geology of Baja Mexico. Quite honestly, I'm thinking that if I remembered everything I learned 40 years ago in the classes I took and if I had studied Baja geology and geography, I would see these eroded rocks very differently.

I am certainly interested in details when I am out with my camera. But I'm not a scientist. I'm a photographer. And perhaps that fact helps me see things that a scientist would ignore. What I see here are the same kinds of things I said Ansel Adams might have seen when he made a picture: light, shadow, lines, textures, shape and maybe even emotion and meaning. I leave finding emotion and meaning in your hands, though . . . . 

Canon 5DIII 1/125s f/6.7 ISO160 70mm

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