By Scott Shephard
Glenyce, Deb, Sandy & Cathy
When our group isn’t exploring or eating, or when we aren’t out in our backyard at our rental enjoying the SoCal sun, we have a variety of ways to pass the time and engage our intellects on our stay in San Diego. Puzzling is one of them.
I’ll admit, though, that I am not likely to contribute. It seems waayyy too left brained for me. But I do admire the talent and persistence of these four women. And the right brain in me loves the colors in this work of art, And the textures and patterns of a FINISHED puzzle are fascinating.
I also suspect that assembling puzzles is good for the brain. In my case it would be right up there with crossword and algebra - engaging for some but punishment for me. I’ll keep looking for other ways to stimulate my synapses.
(By the way, they finished the puzzle not long after I took this. There was 1 missing piece, which I suspect annoys the highly stimulated left brains of these folks.)
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