Arc de Triomphe

03-26-09 A View West from the Arc de Triomphe

03-26-09-a-view-west-from-the-arc-de-triomphe I was in Paris with a student group in 2007 and we had made our way to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. We had timed our visit for this time of the evening - when the sun sets and the lights of Paris come alive. There are so many views and so many things to photograph but this view caught my attention.

In this photo I am looking west along the Avenue de la Grande Armee. In the distance is the ultra modern la Defense high rise complex, which is dominated by the stark, white arch known as the Grande Arche de la Defense. There are three famous arches in Paris which line up along what is known as the Axe historique: the Arc Du Carrousel (near the Louvre), the Arc de Triomphe and the Grand Arche de la Defense. Two of the arches were built by Napoleon and one was built by Mitterand.

Compare this to "Chicago Skyline."

Canon 5D f/1.8 1/100 Canon 50mm 1.4 ISO 320

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