
04-22-13 Spring Melt (HDR)

2013 04-22 Spring Melt by Scott Shephard I am in the Black Hills to attend the annual TIE convention. But given a little time yesterday morning, I went out to my favorite spots to take even more photos of the same scenery. But this time there was good flow in Iron Creek and there was snow left from the most recent snow fall. And so I got a look unlike others I've taken along this creek. The other feature I liked about this scene were the bright orange tree leaves along the right side of the photo. I'm guessing in another week or two, those leaves will disappear and the new ones will bud out.

So this is a transient scene, in many ways. In fact a Greek atmonist philosopher named Heraclitus said that you "could never step in the same stream twice" because all of nature is in a constant state of flux: panta rei or "everything flows." Good photographers understand this and their best photos are captured at the right moment.

(I should say that this is an HDR photo and that's why there is a bit of a surreal look here.)

A few more photos here.

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