
08-22-09 Slippery When Wet?

By Scott Shephard

Is it ironic that I post of picture of words? This is supposed to be a "blog for the right brain." Ironic or not, this is a photo I took on a rainy night in Tokyo. I was struck with the civility of the warning, though in Japan civility is abundant - even in a bustling city like Tokyo. In the US we would say "Keep Off!" In Japan they say, "Since it is easy to slip, stepping on a stone should withhold." Who can disagree with that?

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03-24-09 Tokyo Street Scene

Tokyo Street Scene There are so many lines and geometric shapes in this photo and perhaps too many places for the eye to look. But the main point is intended to be the dark figure closest to the camera. He seems solitary but that's a bit of an irony because the night we were in Tokyo every place we went was crowded with throngs of umbrella carrying people. This pedestrian walkway was the sole exception - at least at the moment I took this photo.

Did I work hard to get this picture? Did I have to wait for just the right moment? Nope. In fact this is really more of a snap shot. I was with a group of 4 other people and because it was raining, we were on the move and the rest of the group wasn't likely to be real patient with my attempt to capture the right moment.

Canon 1DII f/5.6 1/80 Canon 24-70mm 2.8L 40mm ISO 800

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