Another Iron Creek photo . . .
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Another Iron Creek photo . . .
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Read MoreBy Scott Shephard
So the fact that I took a photo and then imported it into a program that tried to make it into a painting doesn't necessarily result in art. Frankly, the photo probably wasn't art to begin with.
But I must say that my path to photography as an occasional and often accidental expression of my creativity started when I was 13 years old. I read a book about Michelangelo and wanted to be an artistic genius, too. I thought it would be easy - if you were meant to be an artist, it was in your genes. But then I took painting lessons and produced something that no one would have called art, including my parents, who hid my paintings behind the furnace.
So I gave up painting and turned to photography, which only in the last 10 years became a serious attempt to produce "art." But today I played with a series of filters called Topaz Impressions that turned my recent drone photo into a painting. Kind of.
The filter I used in this photo is called "Georgia O'Keefe." I liked the "William Turner" filter because I like Turner's work. But, like Turner's work, the filter made this scene also impossible to understand. Maybe that would have make it closer to art, though? . . . .
Phantom 4 FC330 1/240s f/2.8 ISO100 3.6mm
Here's the original photo
And "Rain, Steam and Speed" by William Turner
"Let me take you down 'Cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields Nothing is real And nothing to get hung about . . . "
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