
19.11.26 A Taste of Winter

19.11.26 A Taste of Winter

There are a few good things about winter . . .

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02-23-13 Minnesota

2013 02-23 MinnesotaI call this Minnesota, as if Minnesota is some how unique when it comes to winter weather. But, of course, it isn't. I just happened to be wandering around our son and daughter-in-law's neighborhood when I found these icicles hanging for a low roof of a garage.

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09-04-09 Frozen In Time

A single maple leaf frozen in thin ice. It had been floating in the pond the day before but it got caught in the first freeze of the season.

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03-07-09 Frozen Crab Apples

By Scott Shephard

In our part of the world, we get more snow than freezing rain but in late November, 2005, we got rain and then cold temperatures. Everything was coated in a layer of ice. School was called off, trees broke and driving was difficult. But there was a silver lining - the clear, icy coating.

I took this photo late in the day after the storm had passed and the sun had come out - you can see the sun glowing in each of the out-of-focus ice-cycles in the back of the photo. I took about 20 pictures during the short time I was outside but this is really the only one that turned out.

Canon 5D f5.0 1/640 iso320 Canon 70-200 2.8L (135mm)

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