
20.11.28 Symbiosis

By Scott Shephard

20.11.28 Symbiosis.jpg

Some would look at this see the vine on the oak tree as more of an enemy than an ally. But I like the idea of symbiotic relationships, especially those that do no harm even if they aren’t completely cooperative. In the case of this particular tree, I would say that the vine enhances it — at least for photographic purposes. And both the tree and vine seemed healthy. If the curly haired painter Bob Ross were painting this, he would call this “A happy little tree with a happy little vine.” I wouldn’t.

Canon 5D III 1/50 sec f6.3 400 ISO

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Clinging To Life

This vine is at its best when it's green - when it is busy doing its photosynthetic thing. So there is an irony in the fact that it looks best when it is about to give up its efforts for the season. That's true of almost all leaves, I guess.

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When we stopped along the road on the west edge of Henry, SD, our mission was to change drivers, not take photos. But, as often happens, something caught my eye. In this case, it was the pale green serpentine vine. Both the shape and the contrasting tones made this subject worthy. And, everything is the color green. And I apparently have a thing for green.

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Shadow and Light

Vine ShadowDeb and I were strolling through a small side street in a village in Croatia, when I saw this vine, which wasn't all that exceptional. But what I liked was how the setting sun struck it is such a way to make enlongated and curving shadows. The texture and muted color of the wall helps this shot, too.

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