
11-24-13 The Mysterious Moon Jellyfish

2013 11-23 Another World - Moon Jellyfish by Watertown, SD, photographer Scott Shephard Here's another capture from the Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha, Nebraska. As I was working on getting this photo ready for this post, it occurred to me that the photos you see here fall into one of about three categories: photos that demonstrate a process, photos that attempt to show a unique or new view of things, and photos of things, in which process, art and uniqueness are not primary considerations.

This Moon Jellyfish photo falls into the third category. Do a Google search and you will discover over a million hits. And many of the photos are much better than this one. So why post? Partly, to borrow a phrase from mountaineer George Mallory, "because it's there."

Also, because I often see and think analogously, this photo reminded me very much of the alleged "brain" in Michelangelo's famous centerpiece of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Judge for yourselves:


In case you are wondering, the "brain" is the form in which God (the one with clothes) seems to be floating. Had Michelangelo seen a human brain before he painted this? No doubt. Did he say the strange form in the painting was inspired by brains he had seen? No. What does it all mean?

What it means is that I accidentally took a photo that is vaguely reminiscent of Michelangelo. So at least for today, I am in good company.

Canon 5DIII 1/50s f/4.0 ISO2000 67mm

Creation of Adam photo courtesy of Wikimedia

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