10-31-13 Utah State Capitol Building (HDR)

2013 10-31 Utah State Capitol (HDR) by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard When I walked into the Utah State Capitol building at 8am a couple days ago, I didn't know what to expect. It was, of course, architecturally impressive. But I was even more impressed by the fact that I had the place to myself. The dominant feature of the interior of the capitol is the white and gray marble that decorates it and though this photo started out in full color, I chose black and white to help you see this.

I'm not sure that perfectl symmetry results in "art" but my architectural interiors are often characterized by this. And I'll have to admit that I worked pretty hard at getting the two halves perfectly balanced in this scene.

Shame on me, incidentally, for not bringing a tripod on this trip. Shooting HDR series in marginal light is made much more hit and miss. I know that any photographer worth his/her salt works with one. Shooting HDR series in marginal light is difficult. From now on, I will try not to leave home without one. . .

Canon 5DIII 1/13s f/8.0 ISO1250 24mm

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10-30-13 Salt Lake City Court House (HDR)

2013 10-30 Salt Lake City Court House (HDR) by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard During our recent stay in Salt Lake City we had a room with a view. I took several photos of the courthouse as seen from our room but I liked this one best, largely because of the way the strong sunlight helps light up the building against the distant cloud covered landscape. I walked over to visit the court house but it is much less ornate in the interior public spaces.

Canon 5DIII f/8.0 ISO125 100mm

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10-23-13 Flow

2013 10-23 Flow by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard Anyone who knows this blog knows that I often repeat myself. I have not yet tried to re-invent myself as a photographer and, at my age and inclination, I'm not sure that it is possible. Or worthy.

So here I am again at Iron Creek. But today, when I made the trek from our family's cabin to this spot a few miles away, I found a flow of water unlike anything I have seen in the many years I have been photographing the stream. I am at our cabin right now to clean up several fallen trees on our property. There was a major winter storm three weeks ago that dumped 4' of wet snow on the Black Hills and that caused significant tree damage.

The Hills are a mess - it looks like a bomb went off. But the up side is that the snow melt has caused significant run-off. And thus, my trek to Iron Creek.

Astute observers will not doubt see that this photo is not quite, "real." And they would be right. This is actually 4 separate exposures combined in HDR Efex Pro 2.

I hope you like it.

Canon 5DIII 0.8s f/20.0 ISO100 40mm

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10-04-13 Variation On A Harvest Moon

2013 10-04 Variation On A Harvest Moon by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard In case you are counting, this is the third Harvest Moon photo I've posted in the last couple weeks. Why do I repeat myself? In part because I like full moons. And thieves, sailors, lovers and vampires love them. But the best reason is to illustrate the fact that the same subject (the moon) can have very different looks given the variables of time, place and composition.

This shot is very similar to this one. But I thought I would show you how I experimented with the leading lines that were present - in particular, the road, the fence and the horizon. Incidentally, this is an HDR photo in which I combined two exposures. Which do I like better? I can't say. . . .

Canon 5DIII 1/80s f/13.0 ISO200 200mm

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09-24-13 Harvest Moon II

2013 09-24 Harvest Moon II by Scott Shephard Yes, I'm a lunatic, though I don't howl at the full moon. I just try to take photos of it. This photo is chronologically misplaced in this blog in that it was taken about 12 hours earlier than the other full moon posted a few days ago. As you can see, the moon plays a much less prominent role in this photo. And I guess that was my intent. Here the landscape dominates and the moon just peeks in at the scene.

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09-21-13 Here Comes the Sun

2013 09-21 Here Comes the Sun by Scott Shephard I have come to realize that the most interesting thing about a sunrise isn't the sun. Instead, what makes some sunrises special is what the low, angular light is doing to the landscape everywhere except where the sun in visible.

This scene is one of several that I captured along Highway 14 in western South Dakota. Even if I didn't get anything camera worthy, it was a beautiful September morning to be in a part of our state that some would say is flat and bland.

Incidentally, if you look at the last three posts in this blog, you will note that I have moved the horizon to the bottom of the frame. I guess I am featuring the sky in my "Western South Dakota" series because I think that our amazing skies have much to offer. Montana's got nothing on us!

I should mention, incidentally, that the red band in this photo is ripe sorghum, which seemed to be planted in abundance in this part of our state. And did anyone noticed that the three primary colors are all dominantly present in this photo?

Canon 5DIII f/9.0 ISO320 35mm (shutter speed unknown - because this is an HDR composite?)

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09-19-13 Cloudscape

2013 09-19 Cloudscape (1) This photo is only a few minutes old and I am publishing this sitting by the side of the road just outside of Philip, SD. This morning's full moon and glorious sunrise have given me several photo opportunities as I've driven east along highway 14 towards Pierre, SD. And I couldn't resist sharing this particular photo with you.

My real reason for stopping along the highway was to capture the September full moon, which has been following me all the way from Rapid City when I pulled out of town at 5 am. And I did get the moon going down, though I'm not real happy with what I got on camera.

But shortly after the moon when down, the sun came up and I was able to get a pretty good sky shot. As with so many of my images, there is plenty of texture here. And a few lines and a little geometry. And, like so many of my photography experiences, I wish you had been here to share the time and place with me.

Canon 5DIII 1/250s f/11.0 ISO200 24mm

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08-20-13 Prairie Relic

2013 08-20 Prairie Relic When Deb and I were driving back to Watertown on the day we did Lacey and Matt's engagement session, I remember driving by this tree and saying, "That's an amazing tree." And so, before I ended my session north of town a few days ago (that resulted in the two previous posts) I stopped by this tree and took several photos. I ended up liking this one, largely because of the way the stark monotone of the skeletal tree contrasts with the strong colors of the earth and sky.

Post Script

There is a bit of a back story to this photo. I took this photo on the morning of August 11. Three days later, I was packing my camera gear and discovered that my beloved Canon 24-105 4.0L lens was missing. I searched the house. Twice. No lens. I opened Aperture on my computer to find the last photo I had taken with the lens. It was of this tree. I concluded that I had left the lens exactly where I had taken it off - sitting on top of a fence post. (I used my 70-200 telephoto lens so I could try to blur the background.)

I drove north of town feeling pretty confident that I would find the lens. After all, this spot is fairly remote and I didn't think the country road would have had much traffic. I also imagined that the lens would blend in, looking like part of the post.

And from an eighth of a mile away, I could see the lens. But it didn't look like part of the fencing - it looked like a lens. Fortunately, it hadn't rained and there had been little dew over the three days that it sat on the post. And, aside from a fine layer of dust on the filter (no, I hadn't put on the lens cap), the lens was pretty much as I had left it. Lucky me!

Lens on Fence Post

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08-19-13 Serenity

2013 08-13 Serenity by Watertown, South Dakota, Photographer Scott Shephard Those who follow this blog know that Lonesome Lake is one of my favorite places. Even if I didn't have a camera and tripod, I would enjoy this place, especially on a morning like the one this photo taken on. It was cool and windless, which on an August day is South Dakota, is somewhat rare. And there was a kind of silence here that it hard to describe. But I will say that I could hear and feel the silence. And when I look at this photo, I still do. I wish you had been there with me.

Canon 5DIII 1/125s f/13.0 ISO500 200mm

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08-18-13 Morning Glory

2013 08-18 Morning Glory The title of this post may suggest that it is another flower photo. But, instead, it is another sunrise photo. This photo is the result of serendipity, I suppose, in that I just happened to be in the right place at the right moment. But serendipity doesn't suggest that it was an accident. When I left home just before sunset on this morning, I drove north hoping to find something worthy to photograph. And this is the first photo I took. I'll post others in the next few days.

It occurs to me that my photographic process generally begins with a "hunt." In this case, I was slowly driving the back roads near Lonesome Lake looking for the perfect picture. Initially, I drove over the little bridge that this photo was taken from but I backed up thinking that the still water in the foreground would do a good job of reflecting the beautiful morning sky. I guess you would say that this photo is a good example of chance favoring the prepared mind. Sometimes we are lucky to get the photos we get but this "luck" depends on our ability to see and then on our technical ability to capture what we see.

Canon 5DIII 1/80s f/10.0 ISO250 24mm

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08-16-13 The Cathedral Spires (HDR)

2013 08-16 The Cathedral Spires (HDR) by Scott Shephard I'll have to admit that I was trying to channel Ansel Adams when I made* this photo. Of course, Ansel used a view camera, filters and elaborate dark room magic to make his great black and white landscape photos. In the digital realm, all of those things are done using software.

I had taken my Black Hills Photo Adventure participants to the Needles Highway in the Black Hills and when we arrived at this vantage point, low clouds were skimming over the Spires, though you can't see it is this photo. It was the perfect moment to be at this place and I'm guessing that even Adams would have found it worthy of a photo or two.

Incidentally, what made Ansel Adams so good was that he didn't see the landscape that he photographed as geologic architecture. Instead, he worked hard to show the landscape as an environment. I try to do this in this photo, but I would say I fall a little short, though there is plenty of texture in this photo. And texture is a hallmark of Adam's work.

*Adams said, "You don't take a good photo. You make one."

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