
07-12-12 On the Road Again

I tell me students to avoid taking photos through windows of moving vehicles. After all, who wants to see bug splats? So why did I keep driving as I snapped this photo with my iPhone? I have not good answer other than I guess I don't always practice what I preach.

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06-26-12 Rustic

Every once and a while I go back a year or two in my photo collection to see if there isn't something I've neglected. Given that I take quite a few photos and never throw anything away, "neglect" is a word that is a little too kind for how I treat my old photos.Anyway, here's one that I had considered for submission to a small gallery that decorates the fireplace room in the student center at Lake Area Technical Institute, where I teach photography. I eventually found something I liked better but today I am resurrecting it.As with many of my photos, this one involves strong lines and light, obvious texture and a control of depth of field. A fence post and fencing are mundane subjects in rural South Dakota, but if captured right they can be interesting and evocative.

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06-11-12 Cloudscape

I'm off on an adventure for a couple weeks and I'll be off the wifi "grid" for much of that time. Thus, I'm auto-posting things that aren't necessarily new or unseen. Most of the photos you'll see are some of my favorite Instagram photos.

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06-07-12 Geometry

I'm off on an adventure for a couple weeks and I'll be off the wifi "grid" for much of that time. Thus, I'm auto-posting things that aren't necessarily new or unseen. Most of the photos you'll see are some of my favorite Instagram photos.

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06-04-12 The California Coast

I'm off on an adventure for a couple weeks and I'll be off the wifi "grid" for much of that time. Thus, I'm auto-posting things that aren't necessarily new or unseen. Most of the photos you'll see are some of my favorite Instagram photos.This photo, incidentally, was taken with my iPhone shortly after the plane I was in took off from John Wayne Airport. I had the perfect seat on a perfect southern California day.

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06-03-12 Mosaic

This was taken with my iPhone from 40,000 feet. If I have a choice, I always pick a window seat on the side of the plane that is in shadow so I can shoot with the light behind me, so to speak. On this day, it was brilliantly clear as we flew over the Grand Canyon.

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Yes, I Am . . .

Mission Creek, Lake Oahe, Missouri RiverThe whole sentence is: "Yes, I am thinking of summer and sailing on Lake Oahe."

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04-11-12 Easter Morning, 2012 - San Juan Island

Easter Sunday, San Juan IslandThis photo was taken a few miles west of the city of Friday Harbor, Washington, on San Juan Island. I had found this location the day before but thought that it would photograph better just after sunrise. The chances that I would have a mostly clear morning weren't that great. But, as you can see, nature performed well for me.I used Auto Exposure Bracketing to take three different exposures of the same scene but in the end I used the darkest of the three and a plug-in in Aperture to create this photo, which shows details in the darkest parts and in the brightest. That's what HDR (high dynamic range) does.

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Seattle City Scape

Being in the right place at the right time makes a photographer's job easier. Sometimes I manage this by intent and sometimes by luck.In the case of this photo of Seattle, I got lucky. Apparently, it had been cloudy, cool and rainy for most of the week prior to our three-day stay in the area. But during our entire stay, it ranged from partly cloudy to crystal clear. I took this photo later in the afternoon, which resulted in nearly perfect light for the scene. And I couldn't have asked for more interested clouds.And, yes, this photo is manipulated in software. In my intent to work on the contrast in the photo, I found a setting in Nik Color Efex 4 that gave a look to this scene that I liked.

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Early Morning North of Town

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Big Beach - Maui

Big Beach is the common name for this beach, though it is formally known as Makena Beach State Park.Yes, it is a "big" beach but it really is known as Big Beach, though officially it is Makena Beach State Park. A few years ago, our family visited Maui and we spent a sunny afternoon enjoying the warmth and the waves of Big Beach.Incidentally, in doing a search for "Big Beach" to find the official name, I found about 1000 other photos taken from this vantage point. So much for giving the world a different look at things in this blog. . . . And, incidentally, if I rotated 180 degrees and took another photo, I would be photographing Little Beach, where naked people abound. Officially, nudity is illegal on the public beaches of Maui but apparently the authorities look the other way. Do I have photos of that beach? Nope.

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Morning Calm

A photograph of the Titan Wind Farm near Ree Heights, South Dakota, taken by Scott ShephardIn my quest to find photos to post, I occasionally come across things I have forgotten about. In this case I was heading out to the Missouri River for a sailing trip and I noticed that the wind farm that is near Ree Heights, South Dakota, was partially shrouded in fog. Otherwise, the morning was one of those amazing summer mornings that make South Dakotans forgot about all the winter mornings that aren't so brilliant.I took one photo with my 70-200mm lens, got back and the truck and continued west to my destination.

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