We console ourselves during snow storms like the one that hit today with the thought that "it will soon melt." The problem with that idea is that all of the other accumulation of snow hasn't yet melted. So when will all the snow be gone? Check back sometime in early April.Should I admit, by the way, that I took this photo with my iPhone as I drove south on Broadway? Probably not. So I won't.
08-04-12 Reflections
I have photographed clouds reflected in this same water before. But I am a sucker for redundancy. This photo started out as a 5DIII picture but I imported it into Instagram and published it as the square, over filtered photo you see here. Some would say it's cheating to do Instagram photos with a camera not built in to a phone. And so I guess I cheat from time to time. :-(
07-12-12 On the Road Again
05-04-12 Conservatory
In an Instagram photo a "real" photo? Of course. This is a quick shot I took of the Como Park Conservatory in St. Paul, Minnesota, while waiting for my photo students to finish their own photographic enterprises.Here's another "real" photo, taken by one of my second year LATI Photo/Media students, Kelly Ortmeier.
Winging It Again
Because my wife is a Delta Silver Elite member, we sometimes get exit row seats, which are often located over a wing. And because we have been booking our tickets "late in the game," I often get a window seat, rather than my preferred aisle seat. And because our plane left Minneapolis an hour late, I saw the sunset just off of the tip of the starboard wing.And because of all of this, you are seeing a rather mundane wing shot. But in truth I am posting this today so I really have the opportunity to feature another great student photo, this time of a window in an old house. The photographer was Danine Jacobson, the photo is an HDR manipulation and it won a prize in a South Dakota student photography contest. Here's Danine's web site. And here's another view of this same window.
Oh, Canada
A Study In Green
I was wandering through the French Quarter and I bumped in to the Louisiana Supreme Court Building. I took several photos but this is one I liked the most.This is an iPhone photo and I'll admit that this photo is heavily doctored. I started in an app called Filter Mania and finished in Instagram. Like it or not, doctored photos are all the rage these days.
Someone's Watching Me
This is yet another photo that found me. I was walking back to the Photo/Media studio at Lake Area Technical Institute, where I work, and I was almost past the Cosmetology Department when I walked by this partially opened locker.I was all the way by the locker when I realized that there was a photo opportunity here. I took my iPhone out and took a few photos but this is the one I liked.No, we don't keep the heads of former students in lockers. But the cosmetology department does store rather good looking "dummy" heads in lockers. I'm sure there is a name for these model heads and I vow to learn it when I am back to teaching tomorrow.
One of the good things about this blog is that it forces me to go back to my old photos and find things that I've forgotten about. This photo is one of them. I took this of my son Jon at the Santa Ana airport in California. I used my iPhone 4 and an app called Photosynth, which I had just discovered.Photosynth lets you do panoramic photos. Actually, its strong suit is that it lets you do 360 photos. Go to the Photosynth web site to see some amazing examples.
The Man In the Mirror
Electrified (iPhoneography)
I was down in the cosmetology department of the school I teach in last week to talk about a project that will involve my photography students and I noticed a vestige of a bygone era. So while I was waiting to speak, I took a few photos of this multi-tentacled device standing in the corner.What is it? I'm guessing people of my generation will know. It is an electric curling machine. Today, of course, it has been replaced by the hand-held curling iron.Several years ago, in a unit on the Scientific Revolution, I asked my students to list the most important inventions of all time. In all seriousness one girl listed hair spray and the hand-held curling iron as #1 and #2. Little did she know what people in the 50s and 60s used. (Incidentally, the student listed the wheel and the printing press as #3 and #4!)
Window Seat (iPhoneography)
When I travel, I am as captivated by looking at the scenery as any other tourist. But if the situation allows it, I also like to take photos of people looking at the scenery. I guess I'm a bit of a voyeur in that sense.In this case, I was on a plane flying over the Grand Canyon on an amazingly clear day. I must have taken 50 photos with my iPhone before I noticed a young girl in the window seat ahead of me who was also captivated by what we were seeing 30,000 feet below us.And so I snapped this photo.