Are all selfies inherently self-indulgent? No doubt . . .
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Are all selfies inherently self-indulgent? No doubt . . .
Read MoreA 30 year old selfie posted by a 68 year old?
Read More“I want to talk about me, I want to talk about I, Wanna talk about number one, oh my me my . . . “ -Toby Keith
Read MoreIf you ask me, this is the perfect self-portrait
Read MorePhotobombed by an eagle . . . . (read more)
Read MoreCelebrating Sunday with a Center Lake selfie. . . . (Read more)
Read MoreNo, I am not Vincent Van Gogh, nor was I meant to be . . . .
Read MoreThe happy couple is nearing the end of their visit to Greece . . . .
Read MoreI'm not sleeping now and I'm not really sleeping in the photo, either. I was at Lake Area Technical Institute working on a project for Office Peeps, a local office solutions retailer, and decided it might be a good time to get a self portrait. Also, I was using Camranger to remotely control my camera so it was convenient to get myself in a photo. (If you look closely at the iPad on the floor, you will see the same photo you see here because I can get a live view on my IOS device with Camranger.)
For those who are regular readers of my blog, you might see the humor in the title, given that my last post for "A Photo A Day" was on the 17th of February. Have I been sleeping too much? No. Have I been traveling? No. Did my wireless connection quit? No. Do I have a good excuse. Maybe.
I have been working on projects and, significantly, I have been working on a new web site, which you are apparently looking at right now. Thanks for visiting. (How about subscribing to new posts on both my "Learn" and "A Photo A Day" pages here at Scott Shephard Photography? Just fill in the little box on the right.)
Will "A Photo A Day" as you know it disappear? No doubt. When? There is much doubt.
And, yes, four external links is way too much for the average viewer. But you're better than average, aren't you? Check out some of the LATI Office Peeps project photos here.
Such is the nature of the creative process that one often ends up with something very different from what was originally planned. Such is the case with today's rather self-indulgent photo.The task was to take a self-portrait. I was doing this because I had assigned the same task to my "Lighting for Photographers" students at LATI. My goal was to take something simple that would illustrate the idea. At first I tried using a crystal ball that has been in my family for at least a century. But that didn't work (I still want to try it!)I then stepped into my den to see what else I might be able to do and, low and behold, my closet mirrors had me staring back at myself. So I took a photo that showed three of me. And then I remembered that I had an app called WordFoto that I had just downloaded. And then I thought maybe I could do something with layers in Photoshop. . . .And then I ended up with this photo.I do believe there is some kind of symbolism in the fact that the part of the photo with "i" all over it shows less of "me." You tell me what that means!