
10-29-13 Antelope Island - Great Salt Lake

2013 10-29 Antelope Island by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard I am in Salt Lake City for a couple days and on my first morning, I drove north to Antelope Island State Park. Part of what intrigued me was the fact that the island was connected to land by a long causeway across part of the Great Lake Lake. It turns out that much of the water had evaporated and so I drove across flats of brownish white minerals.

Antelope Island was well worth the visit, partly because of the soft fall colors but largely because at this time of year, there are few visitors and so I felt like I was alone on this island. I also was lucky because there were fairly thin clouds covering the recently risen sun and that helped create strong, soft light. (Oxymoron?)

Canon 5DIII 1/250s f/11.0 ISO200 40mm

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10-18-13 Hope

2013 10-18 Hope by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephardf My friend, Scott, may dispute my choice of the word "hope" in the title of this post. I have no idea if he was hopeful when he took his rod and reel out into the gentle surf at sunset on a perfect October evening along the Florida Gulf Coast.

I know he would rather catch fish than not when he casts. But I wonder if his fishing isn't sometimes like my photo hunting: it is often less about getting a photo that is a "keeper" than it is about the hunt for the photo.

Scott didn't catch anything of significance on this particular outing but he didn't seem too depressed when he came back to our room. He will live to fish another day. . . .

Canon 5DIII 1/250s f/2.8 ISO500 70mm

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10-10-13 Change of Seasons

2013 10-10 Change of Seasons by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard The Lake Area Technical Institute Photo/Media class took its annual field trip to Sica Hollow, near Sisseton, South Dakota yesterday. Finding a perfect day near mid October in South Dakota is difficult but we got lucky. With little wind, blue skies and temperatures in the low 70s, it's hard not to think that life is good.

We don't get a riot of color in the fall as some states that I've been to do, but if you look, you can find good examples of the flamboyance of fall. I guess these leaves are in the throes of death. But they are going out in style.

Canon 5DIII 1/400s f/2.8 ISO400 100mm

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10-08-13 Atmosphere

2013 10-08 Atmosphere by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard Our journey into Glacier Bay in southeast Alaska on the Un-Cruise Adventures Safari Endeavor was unlike anything I have ever experienced. What I remember most about this place was the eerie, fog-shrouded silence.The fog certainly muted the colors of the rocks and trees on shore but it also seemed to mute the steady drone of the diesel engines of our ship.

This photo is one of those shots where I was in the right place at the right time. Besides the blue tones of the rock and the wispy white of the fog, I like the arching line of the ledge the pine trees are growing on.

As with so many things that we experienced in Alaska, I will say, "You had to be there," though I think this photo gives a pretty good sense of what this particular place was like.

Canon 5DIII 1/800s f/6.3 ISO400 175mm

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10-04-13 Variation On A Harvest Moon

2013 10-04 Variation On A Harvest Moon by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard In case you are counting, this is the third Harvest Moon photo I've posted in the last couple weeks. Why do I repeat myself? In part because I like full moons. And thieves, sailors, lovers and vampires love them. But the best reason is to illustrate the fact that the same subject (the moon) can have very different looks given the variables of time, place and composition.

This shot is very similar to this one. But I thought I would show you how I experimented with the leading lines that were present - in particular, the road, the fence and the horizon. Incidentally, this is an HDR photo in which I combined two exposures. Which do I like better? I can't say. . . .

Canon 5DIII 1/80s f/13.0 ISO200 200mm

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10-01-13 West of the River

2013 10-01 West of the River by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard Yes, it is October 1st but no, the snow hasn't started falling yet. But it could do so soon. Such is the nature of living in the upper Great Plains. I'm guessing that some of my readers are more enthralled with snow than I am. I would also guess that many of those same people live in places where snow is a bit of a novelty. But it isn't a novelty to me: I don't like winter all that much, in spite of the fact that it provides attractive photo opportunities from time to time.

Incidentally, this isn't the first time I've photographed this scene.

Click here to see green grass.

Click here to see even this same scene on the same day in different light.

Canon 5DII 1/200s f/7.1 ISO400 58mm

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09-30-13 A Perfect Fall Day

2013 09-30 A Perfect Fall Day by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard We spent this past weekend at Lake Okoboji in northwest Iowa. And while the weather was far from perfect when we got there on Friday night, Saturday turned out to be a great day to be at the lake. In our part of the world, fall can be one of the most beautiful times of the year but it also means that the nights are longer, the days are colder and winter is on the way.

Canon 5DIII 1/400s f/18.0 ISO320 32mm

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09-26-13 Colony

2013 09-26 Colony by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard Alaska has the lowest population density in the United States with 1.264 people for every square mile. But the tree population is another story and this island is a good example of crowding. And in spite of living shoulder to shoulder with other trees, the crime rate is very low: the trees seem to get along well with each other. We should take a lesson from Mother Nature . . .

(Note: South Dakota has the 5th lowest population density with just over 10.6 people per square mile. Highest in the United States? New Jersey with 1,205. Washington, DC has a density of 10,357 people per square mile.)

Canon 5DIII 1/160s f/4.0 ISO250 58mm

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09-25-13 Shoreline

2013 09-25 Shoreline by Scott Shephard No, this is not typical shoreline along my beloved Lake Oahe in central South Dakota. You might have already guessed that this is one of several photos I took in Alaska. This photo was taken near Ford's Terror in the Endicott Arm and if you go back to my Captain Jenna post, you might notice that the shoreline visible out the window to the left is this very shore.

I shouldn't tell you what you should be looking at, but it's hard not to notice the big, black hole worn in the rocky shoreline. If you are hoping I'd tell you how it came to be there, I can't. But my theory is that it was caused by erosion. And a few hundred thousand years.

Oh, and you no doubt noticed my new theme? I thought it was time for a new look. How about signing up to be notified by email when I post a new photo. It's easy and it's free. Go to the bottom of the page and put your email address in. You can always cancel your subscription. :-)

Canon 5DIII 1/400s f/4.0 ISO400 280mm

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09-24-13 Harvest Moon II

2013 09-24 Harvest Moon II by Scott Shephard Yes, I'm a lunatic, though I don't howl at the full moon. I just try to take photos of it. This photo is chronologically misplaced in this blog in that it was taken about 12 hours earlier than the other full moon posted a few days ago. As you can see, the moon plays a much less prominent role in this photo. And I guess that was my intent. Here the landscape dominates and the moon just peeks in at the scene.

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09-23-13 Crystal Blue

2013 09-23 Crystal Blue by Scott Shephard As I've already said, our recent trip to Alaska on the Un-Cruise ship Safari Endeavor was an incredible experience. There were many highlights but what I will remember the longest, I think, is our tour of the Endicott Arm near the Dawes Glacier. The eerie silence, the steady drizzle, and the awesome geology of this place contributed to the experience. It didn't hurt that our son, Jon, who is Chief Mate of the Safari Endeavor, was our excursion pilot.

And, of course, there was the blue ice, with its fascinating textures and its inner, blue glow. I know it's a leap to say it, but as I was photographing the chunks of ice, I couldn't help thinking of Walter's blue, crystal meth in the hit series "Breaking Bad." And I was also thinking of the '60s hit "Crystal Blue Persuasion" by Tommy James and the Shondells, which has nothing to do with glaciers. If you are in to chain of consciousness, here's mine on this post:

Un-Cruise > Dawes Glacier > ice bergs > blue > "Breaking Bad" > crystal meth > "Crystal Blue Persuasion" > the 1960s

Look over yonder what do you see The sun is a-risin' most definitely A new day is comin' people are changin' Ain't it beautiful crystal blue persuasion Better get ready gonna see the light Love, love is the answer and that's all right So don't you give up now so easy to find Just look to your soul and open your mind Crystal blue persuasion, mm-hmm It's a new vibration Crystal blue persuasion, crystal blue persuasion Maybe tomorrow when He looks down Every green field and every town All of his children every nation There'll be peace and good brotherhood Crystal blue persuasion

Buy it on iTunes

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09-22-13 Harvest Moon

2013 09-22 Harvest Moon II by Scott Shephard I had said in a previous post that the reason I stopped along Highway 14 in the early hours of September 19 was to photograph a beautiful full moon as it set over Western South Dakota. I worked this scene for twenty minutes and took several HDR sequences, trying to get the right composition. It turns out that I should have been working harder on getting the right exposure since I'm not happy with most of what I got. It turns out that when you use a slow shutter speed on a setting moon, you just get blur. Who would think that the moon sinks so fast?

The secret with a good full moon photo, incidentally, is to try to get it in relation to something that has a known scale because it makes the moon look bigger. I don't know that this photo does a perfect job of that but I was intending to show the moon in the context of the landscape I was in. I also liked the dirt road that leads the eye to the moon and if I zoomed in too much on the moon, I lost most of the road.

I would like to have a second chance on this moonset but, like many transient things that I photograph, I think what you are looking at is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. Yes, there will be many more full moons. But to photograph the the so-called Harvest Moon over these hills will probably not be an opportunity I will have again.

For science minded, you might be interested in knowing that the Harvest Moon occurs in September and because it is close to the autumnal equinox, the moon rises and sets close to the same time for several nights in a row and stays looking fuller for a longer period of time. Thus it provides more light. In the days of manual harvest, farmers, who would often work through the night, appreciated the additional light at harvest season. Another feature of a setting moon is its color, which takes on the red hue from the atmosphere near the horizon. Some say the moon takes on a pumpkin color, which certainly is appropriate for the start of fall.

Have I left you wanting more? Check out this NASA ScienceCast:

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