No, this is not typical shoreline along my beloved Lake Oahe in central South Dakota. You might have already guessed that this is one of several photos I took in Alaska. This photo was taken near Ford's Terror in the Endicott Arm and if you go back to my Captain Jenna post, you might notice that the shoreline visible out the window to the left is this very shore.
I shouldn't tell you what you should be looking at, but it's hard not to notice the big, black hole worn in the rocky shoreline. If you are hoping I'd tell you how it came to be there, I can't. But my theory is that it was caused by erosion. And a few hundred thousand years.
Oh, and you no doubt noticed my new theme? I thought it was time for a new look. How about signing up to be notified by email when I post a new photo. It's easy and it's free. Go to the bottom of the page and put your email address in. You can always cancel your subscription. :-)
Canon 5DIII 1/400s f/4.0 ISO400 280mm
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