
02-19-10 Evie

I just finished teaching a short course at night called "Intro To Digital Photography." I had a great group, though I've discovered that trying to translate the process of conceiving, taking and processing a digital photo isn't easy. But teaching photography has been good for me because it has helped me objectify my hobby and break it down. My conclusion is this: taking and making a good photo is a very complex process.

So why a photo of Evie and her horse? Evie's mother was one of my students in this class and helped with this photo. So I thought I'd post it. Like the photo of Gabriel from a few weeks ago, this photo breaks a rule of portrait photography that says that the subject's face should be the biggest object in the photo. But I think Evie does a good job of stealing the viewer's attention. :-)

Canon 1D 1/125s f/4.5 ISO200 70mm


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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01-30-10 Top Ten

Thanks to those of you who responded to my "The End Is Near" post. I'm persuaded that I need to keep posting. It's a good thing for me because it makes me go back and look at photos I'd forgotten about. It also motivates me to try to capture new things in new ways.

Before I go back to photos, I thought I'd show you one more geeky blog statistic page. This one shows the ranking of photos over the last 11 months based on number of page visits. Interestingly, the most viewed photo on my blog is "View of a Nude Beach - Corfu." I don't think that it's the best picture of the 300+ pictures that are posted. I think the word "nude" is the secret to its success.

Among the other statistics I get are the search terms that brought people to my blog. And "nude" "nude photos" and "nude beach" bring people to my web site every day. I'm well aware that people like you don't get to "A Photo A Day" via Google. So relax. I know it's not your prurient interests that cause you to bookmark "A Photo A Day." Right?

If you've got a minute, try doing a Google photo search for "nude beach Corfu." WARNING: if you don't have safe search on, you will see more than the sand and sea at this beautiful little beach I photographed. You may even see some private parts. But you may also see my blog photo.

Incidentally, 4 of the top 10 photos in my blog are from Brian and Katie's wedding.

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01-28-10 The End Is Near

I don't mean 2012. I mean the end of this blog.

In this screen capture, you are looking at the monthly statistics for "A Photo A Day." Boring? Probably. I started this blog on February 21, 2009, and I plan on ending it on February 20.

What is interesting about the graph is that though it indicates that people take a look from time to time (over 25,000 hits), I have very little clue of who those people are. I would really appreciated hearing from you. I don't want to sound like I'm needy but if any of you can offer a compelling reason why I should continue and that I haven't become redundant, I may continue to post.

I do appreciate people taking the time to look at my pictures.

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11-29-09 Kindling A Different Literacy

I'll admit that this is more of a product shot than anything. The product is my new Kindle, which arrived on Thursday. While there is much that I could say about this amazing device, I will simply say this: the Kindle (and other e-readers) will do as much to revolutionize reading and publishing as digital photography has done to revolutionize taking photos. Guaranteed!

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11-26-09 Done!

What can I say? Everything was great!

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10-19-09 Seeing Red: Neon Glow

This is another industrial photo. I get paid to do things like this. Little do they know that I find it fun to wander through factories taking photos of the things being made.

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07-01-09 Abstract Pyramid - Paris, France (Louvre)

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06-11-09 Zubke's Buns

By Scott Shephard

I'm sorry to use such a lurid title. This is actually a macro photo of one of Bill Zubke's famous dinner rolls. Notice the seeds and cracks? Delicious!

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06-05-09 JJ Hill House - St. Paul

By Scott Shephard

This photo is mostly monotone (brown), with many dominant sloping lines. If anything makes this photo interesting, it's the lines and not the color. Do you look for lines when you frame a photo?

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06-01-09 Perspiration

By Scott Shephard

Who would think that sweat could look so strange?

This photo was taken at the Easter dinner my mother-in-law prepared for our family a few years ago. While waiting for dinner to be served, I started to take pictures of the things in front of me while my family made comments about how strange I was. This is a water glass. And I'm not strange!

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05-31-09 Gondolier in Sneakers

By Scott Shephard

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05-29-09 A Different View - Notre Dame de Paris

By Scott Shephard

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