There are times when I take a photo that I can't wait to see what it looks like on a screen bigger than the one on the back of my camera. Such was this case with this and yesterday's photos.When I went out driving on this particular morning, I wasn't necessarily looking for a sunrise shot since I felt I had enough. Frankly, I was looking for silhouetted trees, though I had those, too. One has already been posted on this blog, but I thought I could do a better job.What distinguishes this photo, or course, isn't anything that I did. It's the amazing sky. And with sunrise shots like this, timing is everything.
Happy 4th of July!
This beautiful creation was served for dessert for our 2nd of July dinner. My mother-in-law made it but no one wanted to wait two days. It's made from jello, whipped cream and fruit. I used to look forward to the 4th because of the fire works but now it's the jello dessert, which has become a tradition
Up the Mast
Rain Clouds
Snow In Berlin?
History Lesson
I have already mentioned in another post that at the time Deb and I visited Dachau, there were few people present. But there were two groups of young German soldiers touring the grounds. Here, one group waits for another in front of the famous monument to those who suffered and died at this concentration camp.
Memorial To the Murdered Jews of Europe
Not too far from where Hitler's Chancery building stood and close to where Hitler committed suicide in his famous underground bunker, lies this unsettling memorial to all of the Jews who were murdered in Europe.This memorial was dedicated in 2005 and has been controversial because some say the memorial doesn't attempt to answer questions like "how?" and "why?"I'm afraid that this photo doesn't come close to giving the viewer a sense of this place and a sense of my emotions as I looked for the right way to photograph it. In the end, I chose to include the trees bordering the monument to the west because I liked the contrast.For a brief video explanation, click here.