
11-19-13 Through the Eyes of A Child

2013 11-19 Through the Eyes of a Child by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard We attended a party in honor of the 2nd birthday of my grand niece Evie DeGeest a few days ago. I wasn't going to take photos because most of these events are very well photographed. But I couldn't resist. Alicia, Evie's mom, is a designer by bent and trade and DeGeest birthday parties are always brilliantly planned and certainly photogenic.

Maybe it's because of the birth of our grand daughter, Glenyce Jane, but these days I seem to look at the children in our family differently. "Wonder" and "awe" are two words that come to mind to describe how I feel when I study the face and eyes of a child like Evie.

I wonder about the gathering of all the forces that shape the person that Evie is becoming. And I wonder what she is thinking and what the world looks like through her eyes. And isn't it awesome that what begins as a microscopic fusion of DNA ends up becoming a wonderfully complex bundle of cells, thoughts and inclinations like beautiful Evie?

Canon 5DIII 1/80s f/2.8 ISO500 168mm

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11-12-13 Changing of the Guard

2013 11-12 Changing of the Guard by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard The phrase "changing of the guard" can be metaphorical but at the Prague Castle in the Czech Republic it is literal. But the event is also a tourist attraction. Deb and I just happened to be arriving at the Castle when the three men seen here were marching to their post. Their baby blue uniforms are traditional but not particularly "normal" when it comes to military garb. Maybe the intent is to make the opponent feel happy and non-violent.

Have I just returned from the Czech Republic? No. We were there in 2006 and I found this photo in the process of organizing my vast collection of forgotten photos. I call it "dumpster diving" and the fact that I got caught up in processing this photo when I should have really been culling it is a reason I get so little organizing done. Some day I'll start on my closet, but I'll have the same problem with old college papers that I have with photos . . . .

Canon 5D 1/320s f/7.1 ISO400 105mm

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11-04-13 Glenyce Jane

2013 11-04 Glenyce Jane by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard I can't help it. Here's a photo of Glenyce Jane Shephard striking a pose with her grandma Deb. Great faces. And wonderful catchlights in Glenyce's eyes.

Canon 5DIII 1/100s f/3.2 ISO400 100mm

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10-28-13 Trust

2013 10-28-13 Trust by Watertown Photographer Scott Shephard I went looking for something that made me smile and this photo of father Brian holding daughter Glenyce upside down is the first thing I found. I used to hang him upside down when he was two feet tall and so Brian is obligated to continue the tradition. No children were harmed in the making of this photo. :-)

Canon 5DIII 1/50s f/5.6 ISO1600 32mm

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10-20-13 Eyes Wide Open

2013 10-20 Eyes Wide Open by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard So it's been several days since I've posted a photo of our grand daughter, Glenyce Jane. So here you go. . . .

Canon 5DIII 1/80s f/4.0 ISO320 100mm

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10-18-13 Hope

2013 10-18 Hope by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephardf My friend, Scott, may dispute my choice of the word "hope" in the title of this post. I have no idea if he was hopeful when he took his rod and reel out into the gentle surf at sunset on a perfect October evening along the Florida Gulf Coast.

I know he would rather catch fish than not when he casts. But I wonder if his fishing isn't sometimes like my photo hunting: it is often less about getting a photo that is a "keeper" than it is about the hunt for the photo.

Scott didn't catch anything of significance on this particular outing but he didn't seem too depressed when he came back to our room. He will live to fish another day. . . .

Canon 5DIII 1/250s f/2.8 ISO500 70mm

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10-13-13 Photographer At Work

2013 10-13 Photographer At Work by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard. Is it creepy that I lurked briefly behind a tree in Centennial Park in Nashville, TN, to get a candid photo of a photographer at work? Maybe.

Canon 5DIII 1/200s f/4.0 ISO100 90mm

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10-06-13 Happy

2013 10-06 Happy by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard I suggested the other day that I might post a new photo (or two) of our our grand daughter Glenyce Jane. So here you go.

This was an informal capture from yesterday morning. Perhaps I'll get some more. . .

Canon 5DIII 1/40s f/5.0 ISO1000 100mm

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09-29-13 Baby With Her Red Dress On

2013 09-29 Baby With Her Red Dress On by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shepahrd It has been a while since I've posted a photo of Glenyce Jane, primarily because it's been a while since Deb and I have spent quality time with her. But next weekend . . .

This photo was taken at GJ's baptism celebration in the Black Hills and the red dress is one that she will not be likely to wear again - kind of like a gown an actress would wear to the Academy Awards, I guess.

Canon 5DIII 1/200s f/4.0 ISO640 50mm

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09-15-13 Captain Jenna

2013 09-14 Captain Jenna HDR by Scott Shephard There are many good things that I could say about Un Cruise Adventures, the company whose boat we cruised on in Alaska recently. But one of the great features was their "open bridge" policy. Passengers were encouraged to come on to the bridge to see boat operations from the pilot's point of view. On watch in this photo is the Captain, Jenna, who is expertly guiding us near Ford's Terror. With a name like "Ford's Terror," you'd expect the place to be intriguing. And it was. . . .

Canon 5DIII 1/100s f/4.5 ISO400 29mm

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08-15-13 The Pensive Nicole

2013 08-15 Pensive Nicole by Scott Shephard This portrait of Nicole was taken in the Black Hills at my July "Black Hills Photo Adventure." I took quite a few photos of her and she was a great subject. I teach that the eyes are one of the most important parts of a portrait and yet I have her looking away from the camera. Why? Well, we were working on a pose that showed her relaxed and seemingly unaware of the camera's presence. In the next frame, Nicole is looking at me but I ended up liking this one best.

Is this the "real" Nicole? I can't say, though for the three days she was part of the Workshop, she impressed me as a fairly quiet girl and I think this photo captures that.

For those interested in technical things, this photo is lit with natural light and with a small soft box being held by Nicole's aunt, Patricia. I converted to black and white and then did something I don't think I've done with a portrait - I added grain so that it looks like it was taken with film. Imagine that!

Canon 5DIII 1/640s f/3.2 ISO400 120mm

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07-30-13 Photographer At Work

2013 07-30 Photographer At Work by Scott Shephard A concern I have about retirement is that as I transition from my "normal" public self to my retired life, some people will start to think about me in the past tense. An even bigger fear is that I might show up somewhere and someone without proper social filters might say, "I thought you were dead!"

Well, I'm alive, though this blog has been on hiatus. So today, like the mythical Phoenix, it rises from the ashes. At least for a while.

And is it any surprise that I return with a photo of our amazing grand daughter, Glenyce? And there are more where this one came from. Do you have a few minutes? There are only 600 or so . . . .

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