24.05.25 Early Morning - DeGeest Cabin (Black Hills)

By Scott Shephard

This morning, just as the rising sun was touching the tips of these trees with its golden light, I launched the drone to see what I could see. My main interest was in picturing “the Cabin” in its setting. It’s always interesting to see things as the soaring hawks do given that ground level views become mundane.

From this vantage point I see that the Earth itself is mostly unchanged, that the trees have grown and that the Cabin perseveres. I have weathered the most, I think, which is the way it goes.

It occurs to me that this place, built almost a half a century ago, is more than a house. It is an important repository of shared and personal history. It contains countless stories. Tears have been shed here and there have been a few arguments. But it has mainly been a place of joy and laughter.

And, as I think Clint and Glenyce intended all those years ago, the Black Hills cabin is all about family. We’re lucky to have this little place in the Hills.

DJI Mini 3 Pro 5 frame HDR

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24.05.12 Saint Stanislaus Basilica (Winona, MN)

24.05.12 Saint Stanislaus Basilica (Winona, MN)

It was a perfect morning and time to photograph Saint Stans Basilica

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24.05.11 Island Getaway

24.05.11 Island Getaway

A perfect little house on a perfect plot of land?

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24.05.10 Tenacity

24.05.10 Tenacity

Tree roots and limestone engender deep (and perhaps pointless) thoughts.

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24.05.09 Council Grounds State Park (Wisconsin)

24.05.09 Council Grounds State Park (Wisconsin)

Campsite #41 in Council Grounds State Park

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24.05.08 Wisconsin Spring

Scott Shephard

Southwest of Merrill, Wisconsin (North of Wausau)

It stopped raining long enough yesterday for Deb and me to venture out into the Wisconsin countryside just west of Merrill, WI, where the Council Grounds State Park campground is located. My goal was to photograph trees, of which there are many shapes and varieties.

We generally think in terms of “fall” colors but as we drove east across this beautiful state yesterday morning, it was evident that “spring” colors get short shrift*. They are plentiful and, after many weeks of generally colorless landscapes in our part of the USA, are much appreciated.

Though this photo doesn’t necessarily illustrate this, spring is a great time to photograph trees because you get the best of what a tree offers: you get the structure, including the trunk, the bark and the lines and textures of the branches. But you also get a touch of nascent color.

I mentioned a couple days ago that black and white photos reveal lines and textures. But in a photo like this color is essential. Color is life. It is affirmation. And, in spring, the color of budding leaves is the color of Hope.

DJI Minnie 3 Pro 5 frame HDR

*Sorry for the archaic language. This phrase means “unsympathetic dismissal.”

A few more views from the same location:

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24.05.07 Morning Joe

24.05.07 Morning Joe

A pleasant start to the day.

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24.05.06 First Light

24.05.06 First Light

Yes, it’s been a while. But today I return from a month long hiatus from “A Photo A Day.” Will I be back tomorrow? I hope so.

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24.02.28 Walking In Memphis

24.02.28 Walking In Memphis

For the second day, I stand at the feet of a famous person.

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24.02.27 Thank You, Mrs. Lauer

24.02.27 Thank You, Mrs. Lauer

This is more about an English teacher than a famous American Author.

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24.02.24 Saint Joseph Peninsula State Park

24.02.24 Saint Joseph Peninsula State Park

Another walk on another beach.

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