
09-26-12 One Particular Harbor

My friend Scott P. and I spent a couple nights in an apartment in this little village on the island of Hvar (Croatia). English wasn't spoken by the people we dealt with, though we were able to communicate, in part because the the lady who owned the apartment spoke some German and so did Scott. Like photos I sometimes take, we weren't actively seeking this place: we turned a corner and there it was.

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One Particular Harbor

There are thousands of "safe harbors" in the islands that spread out along the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia. This particular harbor (to paraphrase a song title by Jimmy Buffett) is on the west end of the Island of Hvar, which I have visited twice.I've mentioned in another post that Deb and I hope to charter a sailboat and cruise the Croatian islands but she tells me that we need our son, Captain Jon, aboard. I agree, but I'm not sure that our need for a precise travel schedule can mesh with Jon's free-form lifestyle. Our goal was to do it in the summer of 2011. We'll see. . . .

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Hvar Chamber Of Commerce?

Just to make it clear, I am not employed by any organization that represents Hvar tourism. Or Croatian tourism. But I am a fan of Hvar, Croatia. So here's yet another shot of venerable gray stone walls and fragrant lavender.If you noticed yesterday's post, I had said that I didn't know where the city portrayed was on the island. Thanks to someone familiar with the island, I am able to put it more firmly on my mental map. This photo is typical of many locales on the island, though I can say that it was taken fairly close to yesterday's photo.

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