
09-26-12 One Particular Harbor

My friend Scott P. and I spent a couple nights in an apartment in this little village on the island of Hvar (Croatia). English wasn't spoken by the people we dealt with, though we were able to communicate, in part because the the lady who owned the apartment spoke some German and so did Scott. Like photos I sometimes take, we weren't actively seeking this place: we turned a corner and there it was.

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Safe Harbor

I apologize to all of my disciplined readers who may find that my blog appears at irregular times lately. It seems that when I get up these days, I start working on planning for my 8:30 history class instead of looking for a new photo to post. I'll try to do both in the morning from now on.Anyway, this photo was taken in a small village on the island of Hvar, Croatia. Like many small villages on islands along the Dalmatian coast, Vrboska is scenic, inviting and a good place for sailors to spend some time. Deb and I arrived via ferry and automobile, but maybe next summer we'll sail here. . .

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