08-16-14 Oh, Very Young. . .
By Scott Shephard
Heraclitus, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, succinctly said, "Panta rei," which literally translated means, "Everything flows." He also famously suggested that "you can never put your foot in the same river twice" because everything, including the river, is in a constant state of change.
That is almost true about humans. As I look at this photo, a composite of two photos taken in the summer of 1975, when Deb and I were on our honeymoon, I would say that the only thing that has stayed constant in the two of us is our DNA.
I can't speak for Deb, but I would say that almost everything else about me has changed: my appearance, my world view, my abilities, my interests and my aspirations are all transformed. Thirty-nine years will do that to you.
And it's all good.
Honeywell Pentax SP500 (exposure information unknown)