11-09-13 The Final Details

2013 11-09 The Final Details by Watertown, South Dakota, photographer Scott Shephard I haven't quite exhausted my small collection of exterior details of the Codington County Court House. But I think I'll hold at three for now. Maybe I'll make a triptych. . .

Did you know that you can get each day's "A Photo A Day" post conveniently delivered to your email inbox every day at 8:30 am? It's like getting your newspaper delivered to your door except that there is no news and no paper. Just go here.

Why 8:30 am? That time is based on personal and exhaustive study of workplace behavior: you are sitting at your computer at work and and you are already looking for a convenient distraction. Or a vicarious experience. Or a photo to jazz up that Powerpoint you are doing. . .

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