By Scott Shephard
Very Large Array Antenna - New Mexico
Leave it to scientists to name this collection of radio antennae located on a 7,000’ high plain in west central New Mexico the Very Large Array, or VLA. That seems like a fairly prosaic name for something designed to listen for the “chatter” of galaxies and stars far, far, far way. And, if the 28 antennae spread out over miles are tuned just right, they might just get a message from beings in other solar systems. Surely, they could have come up with a better name for the quest to find something or someone out There?
Nevertheless, this was the second time Deb and I had been here but the first time we spent time on the grounds and at the visitor center. Maybe we are nerds but it was well worth the visit and the film, narrated by Jody Foster, was fascinating.
It turns out that the VLA has been the location for several films but the most notable one is called Contact, starring . . . Jody Foster. In the clips excerpted below, Foster, a scientist, is on the hood of her car listening for extraterrestrial messages. And she gets one! (By the way, scientists have a very nice indoor workspace, but the outdoor shot is much more cinematic.)
In the next clip, the VLA is overrun by news people and government folks who think they are on to something. I won’t give the movie away, but the last clip comes at the end of the movie, where Jody Foster’s character appears to be living happily every after.
The age old question concerning science is should we be spending money to explore the universe? But I might as well ask other questions: Should we have gone to the moon? Should Thomas Savery have explored the concept of steam power? Should Thomas and Wilber have toyed with the crazy idea of powered flight? Should Watson and Crick have done their work on DNA? Finally, should George de Mestral have been inspired by cockleburs sticking to his dog’s fur to come up with what is now known as Velcro?
In my mind, the answer to all of these questions is, “Of course!” You can argue with me, but just for fun keep track of how many times you use or see Velcro in the next few days. And then thank George. And scientific curiosity.
Canon R5 f/10 1/500 sec ISO 100