Governor Dennis Daugaard

Famous People

Dennis Daugaard, governor of South Dakota, Sara Florey, McKenzie KamrathIt's not everyday you get to photograph the governor of South Dakota - or pose in a photo of the governor, for that matter.Sara F and McKenzie K, students in the Lake Area Technical Institute Photo/Media program, were covering the annual Governor's Scholarship Luncheon. At the end of the event, I asked for a quick photo and they all graciously cooperated. The subjects are good in this photo, though it violates some rules. Don't tell anyone, but I did some digital manipulation and journalistic photos shouldn't do that. The background could have been better. :-( Why do I make rookie mistakes? Because I am a learner, too. . . .Canon 5DII 1/60s f/4.0 ISO800 66mm Scott ShephardFor the next several days, I will be featuring a photo taken by one of my 2nd year Photo/Media students at Lake Area Technical Institute. Today's photo was taken by McKenzie Kamrath, of Canby, MN. McKenzie's web site.

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