Their caution is overcome by their desire for a good meal. At our cabin, that’s OK.
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Their caution is overcome by their desire for a good meal. At our cabin, that’s OK.
Read MoreA perfect pose . . .
Read MoreApologies to Harry S. Truman. . . (read more)
Read MoreThis is a rare visit from a white tailed buck. . .
Read MoreI'm glad you turned to look at me. . . (read more)
Read MoreIt's easy to shoot wildlife photos when the wildlife wanders into your front yard. In this case the front yard is at our cabin in the Black HIlls. They were lured there by the cracked corn that had been thrown on the grass.If you study the spots on the fawns, incidentally, you will discover that the deer are not identical twins, though I'm guessing that human twins wouldn't necessarily have the exact same skin blemishes, would they? Maybe it's the same for deer.
I was done taking pictures on this particular morning and was heading back to our cabin. As I drove down the road along a small lake, I noticed a single deer along a path that paralleled the road. I thought, "I may have my next 'Picture of the Day.'" My concern was that if I got out of the car and started taking photos, the deer would run off. Instead, he/she struck a pose.
1/60s f/5.6 ISO320 105mm