
07-07-12 Frosty Love

It's been damn hot and dry in South Dakota and so I thought this rather cheesy posed photo an ornamental ball resting on a frost covered pine tree would be just the right medicine. In the winter, South Dakotans complain about the snow and cold. And in the summer we complain about the heat. But we do manage to survive . . .

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06-01-10 Reprise: Helping Hand

I am enjoying a short hiatus from my "Photo A Day" blog and am showing you a few of my favorite posts from the last year and a half. I'll be back on the job with new photos from London and Portugal in a couple weeks.

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03-25-09 Katie & Brian

Silver Efex Pro Classic Portrait?CEP Glamour Glow Here's another one with high sentimental value. I was asked by my recently-engaged son, Brian, to take engagement photos of him and his fiancée, Katie. Of course I said, "Yes." But I was nervous - partly because I hadn't done any studio portraiture in months and partly because I had never done any real formal portraiture of my own family. But both subjects were relaxed and easy to work with. And they were photogenic. (How could a father and future father-in-law say anything else?!)

Brian has been the subject of another post to this blog - Take A Leap (02). Some might argue that delving into a relationship and ultimately into marriage constitutes a sort of a leap of faith, as well. But as I observe Katie and Brian, I don't think this about them. Their relationship seems like the perfect mix of reason and emotion - but it's not a leap of faith.

Canon 5DII f/8.0 1/100 Canon 24-105 4.0L 88mm ISO 100

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03-06-09 Helping Hand

By Scott Shephard


My nephew's new born son Ethan was only a few weeks old when we visited him for the first time. I wish all portraits were at simple as this one - both subjects were easy to pose.

I intentionally used a narrow depth of field so that most of the photo would be out of focus. I shot this in available light in Derek and Alicia's kitchen. An assistant (my wife?) held a white sheet of paper to the left of the hands to provide a little more light. I also used a soft focus action in Photoshop to make details in the photo less distinct. Finally, I applied a sepia action to the picture.

I am told that this picture has considerable meaning and symbolism but I guess I'll admit that all I was trying to do was to get Ethan's grip reflex on his father's finger.

Canon 5D f1.2 1/640 50mm 1.2L iso640

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