
Reprise: Napoleon's Tomb (Paris, France)

I am out hunting for photos for the next 10 days or so and will have sporadic access to the internet. So I'm posting a few of my favorites for a while back.

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Reprise: Night View of the Louvre Pyramid

I am out hunting for photos for the next 10 days or so and will have sporadic access to the internet. So I'm posting a few of my favorites for a while back.

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Reprise: Wandering Star

I am out hunting for photos for the next 10 days or so and will have sporadic access to the internet. So I'm posting a few of my favorites for a while back.

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"With This Ring . . . "

I used my 100mm Canon macro lens for this shot. This is the ring my son Brian presented to Katie. If I had tried to photograph the diamond I gave to Deb, I'd need a super-macro lens.

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Standing Out

Here's another example of a photo that found me instead of me finding it. I was going to check out the back yard earlier today and I saw this tableaux illuminated by the rising sun streaming through our patio doors.

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Why Not?

Why not post more purple tulips - made mysterious and dark with a secret Photoshop process even I don't remember?

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Is there something a little sad about a person who publishes two consecutive photos of something that almost happened?Yes!

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On the Green

He stood on the tee of the par 3 hole and felt a slight breeze coming from behind. With alacrity and confidence, he quickly made his club selection. (I think it was a 3 iron.) And then with an athleticism and tempo that only a person who plays golf once or twice a year could have, he stroked the ball. He couldn't see the path of the white projectile because it was getting dark. He also needs new bifocals. But one of the younger golfers playing with him said, "I think it's close."And it was.The photo, incidentally, is the first time in two years that a guest photographer has had a photo posted on "A Photo A Day." The photographer is my friend Jack, who told me that he was thinking of the Rule of Thirds when he took this shot.I'm proud of Jack and I'm proud of the golfer for almost making a hole-in-one.

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The Old Refrigerator

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Special Potion?

This single bottle is the only thing left in the back pantry of the old house north of Watertown I photograph from time time.

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From the Second Floor

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Ribbon Cutting

I'm not sure where the whole ribbon cutting ceremony began but it's good to see that it is carried on in my home town from time to time. What it means is that, in spite of a poor economy, enterprise and progress continue.In this case, it was the dedication of one of the new buildings on the campus of Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, SD. The building is the new Automotive and Construction Technology Center.

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