Where are they now?
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07-07-15 Consultation
The Turbak Law Office (aka the "Old Post Office") offer a wealth of photo opportunities. . .
Read More07-05-15 Fascination (Flashback Sunday)
Come to Paris with me today. . .
Read More06-25-15 Here's Looking at You. . .
What can I say? (read more)
Read More06-24-15 Field Trip
It's a great place to see San Francisco. . . (read more)
Read More06-23-15 Standing Out
Casual attire allowed. But not for this couple. . . (read more)
Read More06-20-15 The Eyes of A Child
"With the eyes of a child we must come out and see. . . " (read more)
Read More06-13-15 They Say It's Your Birthday (Athens 6-13-06)
I suspect Deb will not consider a simple blog post a worthy birthday present. . . .
Read More06-03-15 Expectations
Grandchild #2 will soon be here :-) (read more)
Read More06-02-15 "It's My Birthday" (Glenyce Jane at 2)
By Scott Shephard
We spent the weekend in Minnesota to help celebrate the birthday of our granddaughter Glenyce Jane. She is actually two years old today and it just happens that it is her "golden birthday": she is two years old on the 2nd. We only get one golden birthday.
I'm not sure she understands the concept of "birthdays," but she did understand how to make the bubble machine work. I look forward to warmer weather so she can test the two water squirting sharks I picked out for her. The concept with these is to aim them at her father, not her mother.
Canon 5DIII 1/500s f/4.0 ISO100 24mm
A few others from the day: (click to see them bigger)
And from two short years ago:
05-10-15 "It's Good to Be in South Dakota!"
The President told the audience that he had saved the best for last. And we knew it was true. . . (read more)
Read More05-09-15 A Proud Moment
The President looks great in LATI spirit wear. . . (read and see more)
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