04-28-16 Night Falls Fast on Cane Garden Bay


By Scott Shephard

The sun sets around 6:40 local time and it is completely dark by 7:00. In the northern latitudes we're used to long, lingering twilight and because I tend to go to bed early, I don't do night photography.

But here in the Virgin Islands it's no problem. It's certainly warm enough to be outside and, in the case of our current location, I have a fairly photogenic subject. 

I don't think I mentioned yesterday (same subject, different look) that Jimmy Buffett mentions Cane Garden Bay in his song "Manana." And "Cheesebuger in Paradise" may have been inspired by a meal Buffett ate at one of the restaurants here.

I believe that I have found paradise.  I haven't started looking for the perfect cheeseburger yet. 

Canon 5DIII f8 iso 800 30 seconds

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04-27-16 A View from Our Porch

By Scott Shephard

Deb and I have re-located for a few days and our first stop is a small house above Cane Garden Bay on the island of Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. It gets up to 85 degrees pretty regularly here and at night it dips down to 83. Pretty boring, I guess.

I hear that snow is forecast for parts of our home state. Unless climate change takes a bizarre turn, we won't see any snow here. :-)

Canon 5DIII 1/10s f/8.0 ISO200 27mm (3 frame HDR)

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