By Scott Shephard
I am slowly migrating all of my photos from one editing/organizing tool to another right now and in the process of moving my photos from 2010, I came across this treasure, which was taken by my wife Deb. I look happy here but I am committing a sort of a crime. I should look ashamed.
When we travel to Europe, we avoid the sorts of places we wouldn't have to leave Watertown to enjoy - such as McDonald's. Deb and I had been traveling in England and Portugal, eating some of the most interesting and delicious food I had ever enjoyed. We had finally made our way to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam to catch our flight back to the USA when I passed a McDonald's. It was the M&M McFlurry that called me. And then my old friend Ronald called me over to sit next to him on his bench.
Ronald looks delighted to be sitting with me, doesn't he?
Canon 5DIII 1/50s f/2.8 ISO640 50mm
Check out some of the great food we enjoyed. (I'd go back to Portugal just for the food!)