23.01.08 Country Glamor
By Scott Shephard
Yesterday morning I headed north out of Watertown with both my drone and my “real” camera. Fog had settled over our part of the world and I could tell that with trees thick with hoar frost, I would find a target rich environment. The problem was that even after the sun came up, there was so little light due to the fog that seeing trees - or even the road - was the real challenge.
I worked for an hour and a half up by two lakes known on the map as Lonesome Lake and Cottonwood Lake. Around 9 am the sun showed up and illuminated an old farmstead that I have photographed before. It was worth the drive and the wait.
I suspect that many would see this old out building as unsightly. But proud in its aged patina and embraced by frost coated trees, I think it is wonderful. There is no doubt that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
DJI Mini 3 Pro 5 frame HDR