
04-22-13 Spring Melt (HDR)

2013 04-22 Spring Melt by Scott Shephard I am in the Black Hills to attend the annual TIE convention. But given a little time yesterday morning, I went out to my favorite spots to take even more photos of the same scenery. But this time there was good flow in Iron Creek and there was snow left from the most recent snow fall. And so I got a look unlike others I've taken along this creek. The other feature I liked about this scene were the bright orange tree leaves along the right side of the photo. I'm guessing in another week or two, those leaves will disappear and the new ones will bud out.

So this is a transient scene, in many ways. In fact a Greek atmonist philosopher named Heraclitus said that you "could never step in the same stream twice" because all of nature is in a constant state of flux: panta rei or "everything flows." Good photographers understand this and their best photos are captured at the right moment.

(I should say that this is an HDR photo and that's why there is a bit of a surreal look here.)

A few more photos here.

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04-21-13 Not Done Yet

2013 04-21 Not Done Yet by Scott Shephard2013 04-21 Not Done Yet by Scott Shephard

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04-20-13 Dubrovnik Mosaic

2013 04-20 Dubrovnik Mosaic2013 04-20 Dubrovnik Mosaic

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04-19-13 Underground Vienna

2013 04-19 Underground Vienna by Scott Shephard

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04-18-13 California, Not South Dakota

2013 04-18 California, Not South Dakota by Scott Shephard In case you think I'm finding real beds of flowers popping up through the permafrost of South Dakota, I'm not. But I do have photos of beds of flower, like these, which I found at the Mission at San Juan Capistrano in southern California.

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04-17-13 The Getty Center, Los Angeles

2013 04-17 The Getty Center, Los Angeles by Scott Shephard

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04-11-13 Aspirations

2013 04-11 Aspirations Regular readers of this blog might have noticed that what I call "A Photo A Day" has recently been "A Photo Once and A While." Quite honestly, I'm fighting through the worst "blogging slump" I've had in four years. I can't say why except that I'm a little jaded right now. I enjoy teaching photography at Lake Area Technical Institute, and I love my students but I am realizing that as much as teaching photography has given me, it also takes something away. I'm not complaining and I'll have plenty of time to recharge in a few short weeks.

I will also admit that I'm a little bored with the dew dappled flower photos I post. But I posting one today, mainly because yet another winter storm has hit South Dakota and I'm looking out my window at at least 8 inches of new snow with more coming down. So my impulse was to find something colorful, and a set of iris photos I took last spring jumped out at me. I hope you like the one I've "developed."

And, before I leave, a word about words. . .

Finding a title for my photos is sometimes hard. And it could be that even my title today is a bit redundant. But I like the word "aspiration," which has the Greek word "spiro" as its root. Spiro means "to breathe." Per-spire literally means "to breathe through." Re-spire means "breathe again." But "aspire," or as in the title, "aspiration", is a little more complicated. I'll take the dictionary definition: an aspiration is "a hope or ambition of achieving something." This iris aspires but probably doesn't know it, especially today as it sleeps beneath a soft blanket of fresh, white snow.

Do I dare say that I am inspired (look that one up!) by what I just wrote. Today I have hopes and ambitions. I hope you do, too.

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04-03-13 A Good Wind

2013 04-03 A Good Wind As the last snow melts and as the temperatures warm into the 50s, is hard not to start thinking of summer. And for me summer equals sailing. And so today I went looking for something that evokes warmer weather. In two more months, maybe I'll be on my boat on amazing Lake Oahe. . .

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04-02-13 Gentle

2013 04-02 Gentle There is nothing particularly unique about this photo, other than the subjects, who are unique. And this is no doubt one of those photos that has much greater meaning to me and my family than it would to the casual observer. For this is my son Brian and daughter-in-law Katie. And they are expecting their first child (and our first grand child) in late May. And it's a girl!

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03-28-13 Energizer Candle Accents #3

2013 Energizer Candle Accents #3I know the meaning and intent in this arrangement. But who cares what I think. How about sharing your interpretation?Canon 5dIII 1/25s f/3.2 ISO250 50mm

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03-27-13 Alienation

2013 03-27 AlienationI guess my title tells you what I was thinking when I staged this photo (#2 in a series of 3?). I know that most artists don't want to be quite so blatant in expressing their meaning. I suspect a proper title might have been "Energizer Candle Accents #2."Canon 5DIII 1/250s f/1.2 ISO640 50mm

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03-26-13 Luminaire

2013 03-26 LuminaireI knew when I saw these "candles" (made by Energizer) at Target that I had to have them and that they could provide an interesting photo opportunity. Frankly, this shot isn't what I had envisioned when I was walking out of the store. But it's what I ended up with in an impromptu photo session last night.So what are we to make of this tableau? It could be that, to paraphrase Macbeth, it "[signifies] nothing." And it's no accident that I mention Macbeth, since in the speech where that phrase is borrowed, he also talks about a candle. Though his candle is "brief"; these Energizer candles are supposed to last 90 hours.Maybe its about loneliness, alienation and the meaninglessness of life. Yes, Macbeth talks about that too. ("[Life] is a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing.")And maybe I'm asking you to think too much. (At the end of the play, Macbeth probably thought too much; he should have put more thought in to his scheme to become king at the beginning of the play.)Maybe this photo tells the story of a photographer who should have been doing something more serious than playing with Energizer candles and his prized Canon 50mm f/1.2 lens.

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