No, I am not Vincent Van Gogh, nor was I meant to be . . . .
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04-29-14 Athenian Selfie
The happy couple is nearing the end of their visit to Greece . . . .
Read More04-28-14 Lucky Girl
It was about a year ago that GJ arrived . . . .
Read More04-27-14 Samantha (Flashback Sunday)
In today's "Flashback Sunday" post I revisit a photo shoot from 2005. . . .
Read More04-24-14 Peace and Quiet
The candid camera captures a man lost in a work of art at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC . . . .
Read More04-06-14 Grand Champions (2002)
Mr. Peabody says, "Sherman, set the WABAC machine for 2002 . . . ."
Read More03-30-14 Curiosity (2004)
He peeks around the corner to get a better look at the American photographer. . . .
Read More03-23-14 Walking the Dog (2004)
A man walks his dog on the dock in the bay (on the Greek island of Crete).
Read More03-22-14 She Looks Up To Us
Granddaughter Glenyce has much to say long before she is able to speak.
Read More03-04-14 Sleeping On the Job →
I'm not sleeping now and I'm not really sleeping in the photo, either. I was at Lake Area Technical Institute working on a project for Office Peeps, a local office solutions retailer, and decided it might be a good time to get a self portrait. Also, I was using Camranger to remotely control my camera so it was convenient to get myself in a photo. (If you look closely at the iPad on the floor, you will see the same photo you see here because I can get a live view on my IOS device with Camranger.)
For those who are regular readers of my blog, you might see the humor in the title, given that my last post for "A Photo A Day" was on the 17th of February. Have I been sleeping too much? No. Have I been traveling? No. Did my wireless connection quit? No. Do I have a good excuse. Maybe.
I have been working on projects and, significantly, I have been working on a new web site, which you are apparently looking at right now. Thanks for visiting. (How about subscribing to new posts on both my "Learn" and "A Photo A Day" pages here at Scott Shephard Photography? Just fill in the little box on the right.)
Will "A Photo A Day" as you know it disappear? No doubt. When? There is much doubt.
And, yes, four external links is way too much for the average viewer. But you're better than average, aren't you? Check out some of the LATI Office Peeps project photos here.
02-06-14 Justin
Deb came into my office as I was working on this photo and wanted to know who the subject was and why I was working on the photo. I said, "It's for my blog today. Every once and a while I like to demonstrate that I can do portraiture."
So here's Justin, who traveled from Minneapolis to Watertown to have his senior pictures taken a few years ago. Justin was a great subject and the setting was the Old Farm North Of Town (as I called it). So a great subject + a great location + good light = pretty good portrait. The Old Farm, sadly, has been razed and corn now grows where this old farm house once stood.
Canon 5D 1/50s f/4.0 ISO800 75mm
02-05-14 Our Italian Villa
I set the Way-Back Machine to 2008 in my quest for something refreshing (at least to me) to post. 2008 doesn't seem like that long ago but for a photographer, who might measure time based on know-how and equipment, it was 2 cameras ago: then - the Canon 5D; now - the 5DIII.
The joke in this photo is that my good friend Scott Peterson and I are sitting down to something that doesn't look particularly Italian and that isn't particularly fancy. But if you note the flowers and candle gracing our pool-side table, you glimpse clues to our dinner theme on this beautiful night in June, 2008: "Presentation Is Everything."
I refer to "Our Italian Villa" in the title, though in truth we were only renting it - for a little over $100 per night. The villa consisted of a restored farmhouse and cottages and was only two miles from Sienna. There were 6 guest rooms, including our little three room pool-side cottage. But for two days, we had the whole villa to ourselves. And, as you can see, it had a swimming pool! Perfetto, as the Italians say.
Canon 5D 1/80s f/5.6 ISO250 24mm
A "Donate" button??? Really? Well, yes. This blog, along with my photography, are labors of love. But if anyone feels compelled to offer a little support to help pay for the web hosting, I wouldn't want to stand in your way. :-) [maxbutton id="21"]
Our Italian Villa by Scot Shephard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.